Wednesday 1 July 2015

A story of a dirty stain teapot

My father is a Chinese tea drinker. He love Chinese tea. He will only drink tea instead of water and I never see him drink water before.  I do not know whether this is good for health or not but he is ok with it. His house is full of tea leaves, teapots, teacups, whatever related to tea..he has! Here is one of his properties~~!

Since I do not have my own teapot in my house so I decided to get my father to give me one of his 'property' hehe~ and.... I told him : Do not give me dirty teapot! I do not want it! Then he started his story....

Once a upon a time, there was a tea expert, named Ming who pass by a country folk house and asked for a drink.  The folk served him whatever drink they have. When Ming saw the teapot. The conversation started~

Ming : I love your teapot.  I wish to buy it from you! How much is it?
Folk : Oh, we are not selling this teapot sir...
Ming : Please sell it to me..I'm willing to pay you handsomely
Folk : Well, since you love it so much then I shall sell it to you.
Ming : You keep the teapot here, I will come back tomorrow because I do not have much money with me.
Folk : ok

So the deal was on. Ming went back happily. The folk then saw that the teapot was full of tea stains. So he decided to clean it so that it will look nicer.  The next day, Ming came back and asked for the teapot.  The folk gave him the teapot but the Ming told him, "No... not this one.. I want the teapot that I bought yesterday!"  The folk replied, "Yes, this is the teapot you purchased yesterday.  I had cleaned it, that's why it looks different."  But Ming very disappointed and finally he did not bring the teapot home. (sad right) hehe...

Like that rugi already lo... the teapot shown above that my father gave me actually had a lot of stains too..Just because he was worried I will complain again he tried to clean it up a bit while leaveing somes stain for me hahahahah.....

The moral of this story is "Kiang tiou hor, mai keh kiang" in hokkien ^^

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