Wednesday 21 October 2015

Giraffe's Bread

Seem like this giraffe bread is very famous now, so I also join the club! Normally they baked it in a loaf. But mine I made it by pieces. Why? Because I do not have the baking tin LOL!

Am I addicted to making bread? Yes, I am hahahaha

Pretty isn't it? I love the patches. It really looks like a giraffe and my boy is so excited about it.

Giraffe's Bread
Recipe source from : Allie Private Paradise

What you need:-
Cocoa dough

-250g high protein flour (I used Japanese bread flour)
-10g cocoa powder (I used Van Houten brand)
-30g brown sugar (I used molasses sugar)
-3g instant yeast (equal to 1 tsp)
-3g salt (equal to 1/2 tsp)
-110g fresh milk
-70g water
-15g butter

White dough
What you need:-
-250g high protein flour (I used Japanese bread flour)
-15g brown sugar (I used molasses sugar)
-2g instant yeast
-2g salt
-100g fresh milk
-70g water
-15g butter

1) Dump all the ingredients inside the TM bowl
2) Knead for 3 mins
3) Remove it from TM bowl and roll the dough into a greased bowl. Cover it with clip wrap or air tight tupperware, keep it in the fridge (overnight)
4) The next day, take out the dough and thaw at least 20 mins then release the air then shape it into desired pattern and rest another 1-2 hrs (I rest the dough in the fridge for 4 hours)
5) Brush some egg wash on top and bake for 20mins at 150c

Actually both weight is the same, I guess the bowl I used is different, that's why you can see the cocoa dough seems smaller. I rolled the cocoa dough into a log then flatten the white dough and put the cocoa dough onto the white dough. Rolled them up. Finished up with the rest and stack them together. Cut the dough into slice and put it aside and rest another 30 mins before bake

My convection oven is doing her job!

See! Cute patches.

I cut it into half to see the effect. Beautiful!


  1. Cute buns ! Hope you're having a great week ahead.
    Blessings, Kristy
