Monday 12 October 2015

Apple Rose Pastry

This Apple Rose Pastry was in my baking list for quite some time. Only now do I have the time to bake it. Beautiful right? Nevertheless, the taste is awesome. I went to Max Value and saw some beautiful apple and quickly bought it back and make this beautiful pastry!

This pastry is crunchy, sweet and adorable hehehe~~Let me show you the recipe and the way to make it....

Apple Rose Pastry
Recipe source from : Youtube/Google/Internet

What you need:-
-2 Apples
-Frozen pastry (Kawan brand)
-1/2 lemon juice
-2 tbsp sugar
-Cinnamon (optional)

1) Slice the apple and soak it with half lemon juice and sugar. Boil it for 5 mins and drain. Set aside

2) Dust some flour on your work station and stretch the pastry a bit, cut into 2 strips and line the apple slice on top the dough

3) Sprinkle some cinnamon and fold the dough in half.

4) Then roll it~

5) Arrange them in the oven

6) Bake it at 170c for 20 mins (every oven has different temperature, adjust it accordingly)

Dust some icing sugar after done! And see this beautiful Apple Rose Pastry!....

Look at my youngest son~He was so interested with the red apple than the pastry itself~hahahah

I made some puffs with the leftover pastry and apple

I chopped the apple into small bites then add in the nutella ~second yummy!

Enjoy! Love this dessert so much and I will make it again for my hubby because he has yet to try it!