Friday 25 September 2015

Steamed/Bake Egg Sponge Cake

They called this Ji Dan Gao (鸡蛋糕),  it is an old fashioned steamed egg cake. What I've done before is Green Tea flavor and marble Green Tea. This time I'm making the original flavor without adding flavouring.

I got two versions here, one is steamed and one is baked. Can you see the difference? Hehe~the lighter color is steamed and the other one is baked. Baked seems like more smoother and nice, but the texture I prefer steamed. More softer and spongier.

You can get more fluffiness if you steam it. This brings back my memories when I was young~ so sweet.. The other one looked more like a cake's texture and is a bit dry for me.

I didn't use any baking powder because my kids are consuming it. As I said before homemade food are always the best. More healthier~

Steamed/Baked Egg Sponge Cake
Recipe from : Fiona Low
(adapted from TM Website)

What you need:-
-5 eggs
-170g fine sugar 
-1/4 tsp salt
-150g self raising flour
-40g olive oil
-1 tsp vanilla essence 

Method:-(Using TM method)
1) Insert butterfly. Put in the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence. Beat 3 mins / speed 3
2) Add in flour, salt and oil for 20 sec / speed 3
3) Pour the mixture into the lined paper cup and steamed at high heat for 15-20 mins

Easier Traditional sponge egg cake! Get you TM now~(>‿◠)✌

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