Tuesday 5 April 2016

Mum's Signature Steamed Fish Head with brand's

Steamed fish? Mmmm, I am not a fan of steamed fish because I hate the smell. It makes me feel like no appetite. But why am I sharing steamed fish head today pulak? Once my mum cooked this steamed fish head and I tasted it, I was shocked and the taste really gave me a remarkable satisfaction. How delicious it is. So I get mum's recipe and found out this is not just a normal steamed fish. How complicated it is when I found out about the steps of preparing it. But all this hard work is really worth it.

Steamed Fish Head with brands
Recipe source from : Fiona's mum (Susan Low)

What you need:-
- Fish head (my mum used Long dam)
- 1 box of tofu (cut into cubes)
- 8 pcs of chinese mushroom - slice
(marinate with soy sauce, peper, cornstarch, sugar)
- 10 cloves garlic (minced)
- 2 tbps ginger (minced)
- 1 bottle of brand's (warm up in a pot of hot water)
- Chinese parley (for garnishing)

- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce

1) First, clean the fish head and steam for 5 mins to remove the smell of the fish
2) Stir fry the ginger and garlic until fragrance
3) Add in the mushroom and stir fry for 3 mins and add in the seasoning, then follow up with the tofu for another 2 mins. Dish the tofu up and set aside
4) Put in the fish head and stir fry for a minute
5) Dish up and arrange the fish head and the side ingredients and steam for 5 mins.
6) Pour the brand's in and cover for 5 mins and garnish with chinese parsley
7) Serve with a bowl of hot rice.

When I was told to steam the fish for 5 mins, I was shocked! What? 5 mins? Can cook meh? Then I was told to just warm up the brand's in a pot of hot water until ready to be use. I was, what?.... This was my first expression when told to do it out of my expectation!... But it really works!

 Step 1 : The process of the steamed fish head. Fish head, clean and ready to steam and 5 mins, it is done!

Step 2 : Stir fry garlic, add in mushroom

Step 3 : Add in tofu and set aside, add in the fish head stir fry and ready to be steam.

Only 5 mins.....................

And it is done! No water added. And it is pure brand's and pure sauce from the fish. Guarantee no fishy smell! Yummy~

Besides using this for steamed fish, you can use it to steam chicken too.

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