Saturday 7 November 2015

Pull A-part pandan mantao

LOL! Alien monsters mantao to celebrate Halloween! See how cute they are. Yes, it's month of Halloween but I just post this, Sorry for my late post yet it is still not too late to share it out~hehe

I am using melted white chocolate for the eyes and mouth. Chocolate chips for the eye balls. I did not intentionally make this Alien mantao! It's all because I still have left over pandan juice. To clear the juice in my fridge, so I came out with this Alien monsters. LOL!

Pull A-part pandan mantao
Recipe source from : Thermomix's website (but I changed a bit on the water session)

What you need:-

 -250g pao flour
-130g water + concentrate pandan juice
-20g sugar (I used molasses sugar)
-15g olive oil
-1 tsp instant yeast
-A pinch of salt

1) Mix water, sugar, olive oil and yeast into TM bowl, 30sec, 37c, speed 3
2) Add in flour and salt, 2 mins corn image 
3) Shape the dough into desired shape and let it rest for about 30 mins or double size
4) Steamed for 15-20 mins (depend on the mantou size)

I love the green colour! With this design, I can make the Kermit The Frog but since it's end October and Halloween month, so I plan to make some weird character instead of a cute character.

At the end, the character still look cute! LOL!! Anyhow, Happy Halloween!

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