Saturday 21 March 2020

Homemade Dried Lemons

An easy way to preserved lemons. You can see the lemon will turns dark in color after dehydrator for a couple of hours. I used the dried lemons for my everyday drink. Just pop in a few slices and add in hot water. You can add in the honey too to make honey lemon.

Homemade Dried Lemon

What you need:-
-6 Lemons

Method :-
1) Rub the lemon with salt to remove the dirt and rinse
2) Cut the lemon into thin slices
3) Lay them in the dehydrator machine for 10 hrs at 55c

Make sure the lemon is dry enough less it will get mold easily. Keep them in a clean jar or do just like me. Packed them 2 to 3 pcs in a pack for easily use. You can add in honey too if you prefer


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